How We Work


The first step to kick off the project is to analyze the briefing document provided by the client. For our students the goal is to deliver a quality project that is in line with the customer’s ideas and style. For this reason, a research phase is necessary before starting with the actual production. In this phase it is essential to maintain close contact between the students and you, the client, to avoid initial misunderstandings and immediately direct the project on the right path. When everything is ready to start, we move on to the production phase!


This is the core of the journey in the production house, and it is here that the students will begin to actually work on the project. BUas has the chance to provide a wide range of professional equipment to students for them to work on the project. Obviously, it’s important for the students to stay in touch with the client during this period in order to get relevant feedback. The production stage is where the students can express their creativity more freely, but they can still rely on an experienced supervisor to support them with challenging tasks or technical issues.

Finishing Touch

The last period is dedicated to giving the final touch to the project and making it presentable and ready for delivery, with the aim of making professionalism and freshness shine through from the final product. The project must be accompanied by a detailed report of the entire work process that led to the final product. We also usually ask the client to give feedback on the students’ work, even if we know it will certainly be positive!

What can students expect from you?

Be on time


Time is money in every project, especially for our students who, in addition to Production House, are pursuing a complicated academic course. Both the client and the students must commit to fulfilling deadlines and delivering all information on time.

Meet regularly


Meetings, discussing ideas, and providing feedback are critical components of project development. Students are ready to meet your needs, but you have to express them clearly during the entire process!

Give support

Our students are qualified and ready to face new challenges. Having this said, they may still need your support on some issues!

Give feedback


As previously stated, feedback will be required throughout the process but also after the project is done. We will request your final feedback on the students’ work once the final product is delivered.

What’s in it for you?

And why our students are the best?

You may wonder why you should rely on inexperienced students to develop one of your ideas. Simply because you ‘ll be satisfied, without a doubt. And we don’t say that because we are biased; we say it because our students are the best! From the first year, we place our students in scenarios that allow them to develop their talent, teamwork skills, and ability to deal with challenges that are characteristic of a professional environment. To conclude, you can expect to deal with people who know what they’re doing and have the required skills.

Choosing the BUas production house to develop your project is undoubtedly an opportunity for our students to grow, but it will also be rewarding for you.

Working with our students will impress you with their excitement and fresh and unique ideas, which will positively impact your perspective on future projects.